• Angelis Water

    Angelis Water

    Angelis Water is Non-Toxic , Non-Allergenic and Safe when Taken Internally.  Please share Angelis Water and your experiences with others in need.

  • Pain & Burn Relief

    Pain Relief & Infection Prevention

    See Testimonial Index!



  • Infection & Diseases

    Achieving Natural Health

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Friday, June 14, 2013
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Excerpted, Back & Leg Pain, Chronic for 6 years
Head nurse at one of country's leading hospitals has unendurable leg and back pain, never found any relief before. Experienced dramatic relief upon spraying topically.
Full Version, Diabetes, 6 Chronic years, Back & Leg Pain
Head nurse at one of country's leading hospitals has unendurable leg and back pain, never found any relief before. Experienced dramatic relief upon spraying topically.
Tennis Injury to Forearm, Chronic Pain, Limited Use
He was off his game because of weakness defending with his forearm stroke response, nothing helped until he found.
Crippling Arthritis Pain, Requiring Walker Use
She was confined to her apartment because she couldn't get around without a cumbersome walker until she found this.
Knee replacement Pain, Chronic More than Two Years
Pain persisted regardless of therapy and drugs for more than 2 years until this.
Torn Rotator Cuff Chronic Persisting 2 Year Pain
Chronic pain persisted after serious surgery for torn rotator cuff.
Crippling Arthritis Chronic Pain, Hands, Knees, Arms, etc.
Extreme arthritis pain all over her body left her with no hope of relief and often required her to be relieved of duty and sent home from work. This day as she was leaving, she tried an alternative...
Arthritis Pain in Hands, Chronic, Surgery Anticipated
Arthritis Pain in hands for more than two years, with no hope of relief without surgery. Surgery declined and relief was very rapid using alternative therapy.
Severe Rope Burn Between Toes, Normally Surgery
Severe Rope Burn Between Toes, Extreme Pain, Normally requiring Surgery. Surgery declined. Foot smashed by bag of cement. 
Family's Serious Pain Issues
Facial Trauma, Rash Between Legs, Cluster Headache.
Trauma Pain, Persistent 2 Years After Accident
Neck & Shoulder Pain Resulting from Auto Wreck, numerous specialists recommended surgery. Fearing worse consequences, the surgery was declined but the pain was constant from the time of the accident until this moment.
Peripheral Neuropathy, Chronic 5 Years, 68 Year Old
Peripheral Neuropathy, Chronic 5 Years, 68 Year Old Man confined to scooter to get around because of the pain and inability of maintaining sure footing, depressed by lack of mobility, finds hope.

Angelis Water is Non-Toxic, Non-Allergenic and Safe when Taken Internally. Angelis Water(tm) contains pure salt free water enhanced with minerals. Government regulations restrict the ability to make claims regarding the usefulness or efficacy of products.  Therefore we make no claims, instead we invite you to view the testimonial experiences of actual Angelis Water(tm) users. Please share Angelis Water and your experiences with others in need. Order Now

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